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Matrix Median


Given a matrix of integers A of size N x M in which each row is sorted.

Find an return the overall median of the matrix A.

Note: No extra memory is allowed.

Note: Rows are numbered from top to bottom and columns are numbered from left to right.

Solution Approach

Use Divide and conquer approach to find an element xx such that no. of element less than equal x present in the matrix are exactly (rc)/2(r*c)/2. Which can be calculated using binary search on every row by finding the no. of element less than equal x present in the rth row. Then sum them up and check if the sum makes up to (rc)/2(r*c)/2 then xx is the answer.

Expected Time complexity: O(36rlogc)O(36*r*logc)

Click - to see solution code
int Solution::findMedian(vector<vector<int> > &A) {
int min = INT_MAX, max = INT_MIN;
int n = A.size();
int m = A[0].size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
min = min < A[i][0] ? min : A[i][0];
max = max > A[i][m - 1] ? max : A[i][m - 1];

int desired = (m * n + 1) / 2;
while (min < max) {
int mid = min + (max - min) / 2;
int p = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
p += upper_bound(A[i].begin(), A[i].end(), mid) - A[i].begin();
if (p < desired) {
min = mid + 1;
} else
max = mid;
return min;