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Flattening a Linked List


Given a Linked List of size N, where every node represents a sub-linked-list and contains two pointers:

  • a next pointer to the next node,
  • a bottom pointer to a linked list where this node is head.
  • Each of the sub-linked-list is in sorted order. Flatten the Link List such that all the nodes appear in a single level while maintaining the sorted order.

    Note: The flattened list will be printed using the bottom pointer instead of next pointer.

    Solution Approach

    Expected Time complexity: O(n)O(n)

    Click - to see solution code
    Node* MergeList(Node* l1, Node* l2) {
    Node* newhead = new Node(-1);
    Node* ptr = newhead;
    while (l1 && l2) {
    if (l1->data <= l2->data) {
    ptr->child = l1;
    ptr = ptr->child;
    l1 = l1->child;
    } else {
    ptr->child = l2;
    ptr = ptr->child;
    l2 = l2->child;
    if (l1) {
    ptr->child = l1;
    if (l2) {
    ptr->child = l2;
    newhead->child->next = NULL;
    return newhead->child;

    Node* flattenLinkedList(Node* head) {
    if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL) return head;
    head->next = flattenLinkedList(head->next);
    head = MergeList(head, head->next);
    return head;