Flattening a Linked List
Given a Linked List of size N, where every node represents a sub-linked-list and contains two pointers:
Solution Approach
Expected Time complexity:
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- C++
Node* MergeList(Node* l1, Node* l2) {
Node* newhead = new Node(-1);
Node* ptr = newhead;
while (l1 && l2) {
if (l1->data <= l2->data) {
ptr->child = l1;
ptr = ptr->child;
l1 = l1->child;
} else {
ptr->child = l2;
ptr = ptr->child;
l2 = l2->child;
if (l1) {
ptr->child = l1;
if (l2) {
ptr->child = l2;
newhead->child->next = NULL;
return newhead->child;
Node* flattenLinkedList(Node* head) {
if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL) return head;
head->next = flattenLinkedList(head->next);
head = MergeList(head, head->next);
return head;