Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Given a weighted, directed and connected graph of V vertices and E edges, Find the shortest distance of all the vertex's from the source vertex S.
Note: The Graph doesn't contain any negative weight cycle.Solution Approach
Expected Time complexity:
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- C++
class Solution {
vector<int> bellman_ford(int V, vector<vector<int>> adj, int S) {
vector<int> dist(V, 100000000);
vector<vector<int>> edges = adj;
dist[S] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < edges.size(); j++) {
int u = edges[j][0];
int v = edges[j][1];
int w = edges[j][2];
dist[v] = min(dist[u] + w, dist[v]);
return dist;