Maximum Binary Tree
Problem Statement
You are given an integer array nums with no duplicates. A maximum binary tree can be built recursively from nums using the following algorithm:
- Create a root node whose value is the maximum value in nums.
- Recursively build the left subtree on the subarray prefix to the left of the maximum value.
- Recursively build the right subtree on the subarray suffix to the right of the maximum value.
Return the maximum binary tree built from nums.
Input: nums = [3,2,1,6,0,5]
Output: [6,3,5,null,2,0,null,null,1]
Input: nums = [3,2,1]
Output: [3,null,2,null,1]
Expected Time Complexity:
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Start with the function call builtTree(nums, 0, n). Here, n refers to the number of elements in the given nums array.
Find the index, ind , of the largest element in the current range of indices (lo:up). Make this largest element, nums[ ind ] as the local root node.
Determine the left child using construct(nums, lo, ind-1). Doing this recursively finds the largest element in the subarray left to the current largest element.
Similarly, determine the right child using construct(nums, ind+1, r).
Return the root node to the calling function.
- C++
class Solution {
TreeNode* constructMaximumBinaryTree(vector<int>& nums) {
return builtTree(nums,0,nums.size()-1);
TreeNode* builtTree(vector<int> nums,int lo,int up)
if(lo > up)
return NULL;
if(lo == up)
return new TreeNode(nums[lo]);
int ind = lo;
for(int i=lo;i<=up;i++)
if(nums[ind] < nums[i])
ind = i;
TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(nums[ind]);
root->left = builtTree(nums,lo,ind-1);
root->right = builtTree(nums,ind+1,up);
return root;